Every year the Trust asks members of the community to help the shape its quality objectives for the next 12 months.
This year a short questionnaire has been developed with 5 key topics, covering areas such as patient experience, nutritional standards, timely and effective care in the Emergency Department and infection prevention and control standards, being put forward for discussion.
People are asked to agree if the topics suggested should be a priority for the Trust as it shapes its quality objectives but are also invited to add their thoughts on any other improvements they would like to see included in the list.
Lynne Barnes, Acting Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Governance, said: “This is a really short questionnaire that helps us develop our quality objectives and we would love to hear the thoughts of as many people as possible on where they think we should focus our attentions.
“The results will be used in our annual Quality Account report which will formally outline our priorities for the year ahead.’’
The survey, which can be accessed here, will run until April 2nd.