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Hospital boss praises “outstanding’’ staff

Hospital boss praises “outstanding’’ staff as NHS celebrates its 75th birthday

The Chief Executive of Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has praised staff old and new for their “outstanding contribution’’ to the NHS as the organisation celebrates its 75th birthday.

Ann Marr, OBE, said the success of the NHS over the past 75 years, since its inception in 1948, has been because of its millions of dedicated staff over that time.

She said: ‘The NHS is truly remarkable, and it is right that we should make time to come together to acknowledge it as it celebrates its 75th birthday.

‘Many of us and our families owe a huge debt of gratitude to the service and the 75th birthday provides a fantastic opportunity to not only share its successes but also thank all those who have contributed to them.

“I am fiercely proud to be a tiny part of our amazing NHS and fiercely proud of all the staff who work in our Trust. Every day I am astonished by extraordinary acts of human kindness and utter dedication I see and I am privileged to be a member of team NHS.

“Over the past 75 years we have seen amazing medical advances, whether it’s organ transplantations or new cures for cancer or vaccines.

“But the reason why the Health Service does so well is frankly due to the brilliance of the staff.

“We have a dedicated team of staff at our hospitals who support and care for people every single day. As well as nurses and doctors, we have scientists and therapists, phlebotomists and podiatrists as well as all the staff who keep the hospital up and running – the porters, cleaners, caterers, estates, facilities and security staff, and our team of administrators.

“They all play a huge part in making the NHS a special institution that we should all be proud of.’’

The NHS was launched on 5 July 1948 by Aneurin Bevan, the then Minister for Health. The purpose was to provide medical care that was free at point-of-need to all, regardless of wealth, from the cradle to the grave.